DITs, as the name implies, are designed to be used with motor drives (AC and DC) and to provide isolation from the service line. They are specifically designed to withstand the "short circuit-like" duty imposed by the filing of the thyristors. Harmonics generated by drives create added loads on the transformer. Therefore, it is important that a transformer of equal or greater KVA to that recommended by the drive manufacturer be installed for a particular motor application.
Types of Power Plant (Technology) Natural Gas Based power plant technology Diesel power plant technology Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output 1 Liter Diesel = 0.85 Kg Example: Heat Rate of Diesel Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- 2506A-E15TAG2 Engine Capacity=400 eKW Fuel Consumption=84 L = 71.4 Kg Electrical Energy Output = 400 KW Heating Value of Diesel = 42.5 MJ/Kg Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output Heat Rate of Engine = 71.4 Kg * 42.5 MJ/Kg /400KW Heat Rate of Engine =7.58 MJ/KWH Heat Rate of Gas Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- VHP5904LTD Engine Capacity= 900 eKW Fuel Consumption= 271 Nm 3 Electrical Energy Output= 900 KW Fuel Consumption= 0.28 Nm3/KWH Heating Value of Natural Gas= 35.22 MJ/ Nm 3 Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fue...
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