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Showing posts with the label How one fixed the problem of Air Dryer?

Problem Solving of Air Dryer

Problem Solving of Air Dryer   How one solves the problem of Air Dryer? Condition 1: Pressure dew point too high Fault: 1.       Air inlet temperature too high. 2.       Ambient   temperature too high 3.       Shortage of refrigerant 4.       Refrigerant compressor does not run 5.       Evaporator pressure too high 6.       Condenser pressure too high. Remedy: 1.       Check and correct, if necessary must clean the after cooler of the compressor 2.       Check and correct if necessary draw cooling air via a duct from a cooler place or relocate the compressor 3.       Have circuit checked for leaks and recharged. 4.       Clean condenser 5.       Have ho...