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Showing posts with the label What is basic difference between a Turbine and The Pump?

What is basic difference between a Turbine and The Pump?

Centrifugal Pump    A centrifugal pump is a contrivance which provides energy to a fluid in a fluid system. It assist to increase the pressure energy or kinetic energy or both of the fluid by converting the mechanical energy.   What is basic difference   between   a Turbine and The Pump?   The basic difference between a turbine and   the pump, from hydrodynamic point of views. Is that in the former flow takes place from the high pressure side to low pressure side. Whereas in pump flow take place from the low pressure towards the high pressure. Thus in a   turbine there is accelerated flow,   while the pump the flow is decelerated.   Why transformer is rated in KVA?                                                        ...