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Showing posts with the label How can one create Vacuum?

What is Vacuum?

Vacuum is the absence of air or other matter. If one travel far above the earth’s surface, hundreds of miles or more into space, it find no atmospheric at all. No air at the distance from the earth. In the air there find only few particles which is widely scared. It is called vacuum. How can one create Vacuum? For find a vacuum one need not to leave earth. One can produce vacuum anywhere from earth, one of the best example is a glass tube closed at one end with a dish of mercury which is contain a very heavy metal that is liquid at atmospheric temperature. This tube fully fill up by mercury and then closed tightly for producing a vacuum. Then turn the tube, leaving the upper part of the empty tube. Since no air can enter this upper part of the tube contains nothing.  That is it contains vacuum. It has been shown with a barometer in the schematic diagram. One can also do it with a normal temperature and atmospheric pressure.