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Showing posts with the label degrees of freedom of a work piece

What is locating? describe the degrees of freedom of a work piece in space.

Locating:    The term ‘locating’ refers to the dimensional and positional relationship between the work piece and the cutting tool used on the machine. S imply, locating is the proper positioning of work piece against the cutting tool.  Degrees of freedom of a work piece in space : Any movement of a workpiece in any direction is called degree of freedom. A work piece in space, free to move in any direction is designed around three mutually perpendicular planes.It may rotate in either   of two   opposed directions around each axis, clockwise and anticlockwise.Each direction of movement is considered one degree freedom               Fig:Twelve degree s of freedom  The twelve degree of freedom as they apply to a rectangular prism are shown in fig. shows three views of the prism in orthographic projection, with all twelve degees of freedom indicated in their r...