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Showing posts with the label Spacecraft and Space Shuttle

Spacecraft and Space Shuttle, Why it is not Shit plan for world People?

A spacecraft which is flying as like as a bird outer surface of earth and used as a vehicle.  There are many spacecraft objectives such as look   earth, make a communication between earth and outer line of air space, search for new planetary, exilement human and transit cargo. Sputnik 1 which is flying to earth outer surface and it   is the first spacecraft in earth. In 1967 Russia start sent spacecraft in earth outer surface which is mainly target for Soviet. About one hundred spacecraft Russia fly in sky and also facilitation provide on   International Space Station.                  United States fly their Space Shuttle more than Russia about 135 space Shuttle which start in 1981. And their Space Shuttle give facilitation to Spacelab . Before some era scientist use a spacecraft or space shuttle which is not reusable for this reason cost is much high. But developing of S...