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Showing posts with the label Conventional Method of Valve Spring retaining

3-2-1 Locating Principle. Why generally in base plane three locating pins are used?

  3-2- 1 Method of Location:  3-2- 1 method of location is the fundamental arrangement of locating system. A work piece may be positively and properly located by means of six pins,so positioned that collectively they restrict the work piece in nine of it’s degree of freedom.For this purpose a definite arrangement is used.This   arrangement is called 3-2-1 method of location.   Cause of using three locating pins in base plane : A minimum of three points or pins or locators are generally used in base plane to locate the work piece, although four or more may be used to provide adequate support. It should be noted that a minimum of three pins will always theoritically establish the same location of the work piece. four or more pins(locators)don’t establish this type of theoritical location because if the work piece surface is not geometrically true, the position is still determined by three pins. Three pining system create one surface w...

What is locating? describe the degrees of freedom of a work piece in space.

Locating:    The term ‘locating’ refers to the dimensional and positional relationship between the work piece and the cutting tool used on the machine. S imply, locating is the proper positioning of work piece against the cutting tool.  Degrees of freedom of a work piece in space : Any movement of a workpiece in any direction is called degree of freedom. A work piece in space, free to move in any direction is designed around three mutually perpendicular planes.It may rotate in either   of two   opposed directions around each axis, clockwise and anticlockwise.Each direction of movement is considered one degree freedom               Fig:Twelve degree s of freedom  The twelve degree of freedom as they apply to a rectangular prism are shown in fig. shows three views of the prism in orthographic projection, with all twelve degees of freedom indicated in their r...

Conventional Method of Valve Spring retaining

For a fixed   distance contact generally more used helical spring such as contact with cam and contact with tappet. Spring help to balance pressure and also give same pressure all space of valve. Generally it is ground flat shape which is subjects to compressive loads. For removing bending tendency diametrically opposed coils end are set up.  The retention the spring is simple of the design which is set up. In this types of helical spring contain ring split which contains two halves and inner surface contain internal projection, it’s help to set up properly to fit. And Outer surface is tapper which can help to do good job. The spring supported from split ring. Valve spring mainly use for heavy service. The valve spring generally made from high steel wire where material is hard drawn carbon and chrome and vanadium steel mainly use. For fatigue resistant valve spring are often shot penned.