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Showing posts with the label Power Plant

Hydrogen Production Cost from Biomass Gasification

  Total cost of Hydrogen production: 1.       Capital 50% 2.       Feedstock 25 % 3.       Maintenance and Operations 25 %   Again we can break capital cost for various parts given bellow them: 1.       Balance of Power Plant is 25 % 2.       Air Separation is 20 % 3.       Gasifier is 20 % 4.       Separation and Reforming is 20 % 5.       Biomass feed handling is 15 % Main Purpose: 1.       Hydrogen separation, shift and biomass gas reforming new step find. 2.       By using high temperature H 2 selective membrane hydrogen separate from gasifier.     Various Methods of Separating Methane from the Product Gas   CHP IN COMBINATION WITH BIOMASS GASI...

Power Plant Site Selection

  Power Plant Site Selection Requirement Given Bellow them: 1.       Land Available. 2.       Existing Land Use. 3.       Existing Hazard. 4.       Weather. 5.       Restricted Air Space. 6.       Cultural Resources 7.       Public Access Area 8.       Access to cooling Area. 9.       Access to Grid. 10.   Skill Worker. 11.   Transportation. 12.   Right of Way.   Power Plant Tariffs:   It is defined as the energy rate or method of applied charge to the consumer for the consumption electricity.   Cost of Electrical Energy Generation: There are two types of Electrical Energy generation a.        Running cost b.       Fixed c...

Thermal Power Plant

Thermal Power Plant (ST): Steam is an important medium of producing mechanical energy. Steam has the advantages that it can be raised from water which is available in abundance it does not react much with the materials of the equipment of the power plant and is suitable at the temperature required in the plant. Steam is used to drive steam engines, steam turbine etc. Thermal electrical power generation is one of the major methods. For a thermal power plant the range of pressure may vary from 10 kg/cm 2 critical pressure and the range of temperature may be from 250 0 C to650 0 C.                              Figure: Steam Power Plant Main parts of a steam power plant:             1.       Boiler (Babcock and Wilcox) 2.     ...