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Showing posts with the label lap winding

Where should the coil sides of a coil be located with respect to the field poles in a dynamo?

In lap winding it is seen that the coils are connected in series .So that the induced voltages are additive, that is one coil side under north pole is connected by end connections to the coil side under the south pole. This is in turn is connected in series with another coil having a coil side under the same north pole as the previous coil. But in a wave winding coil A has one coil side under the north pole and the other side under the south pole, coil B is connected in series with coil A. Coil B is not located under the same poles as coil A but under the next pair of poles as demonstrated in figure 1. As a sequence coil B and C is under the set of poles.                                   Protecting Coating Shop               ...