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Showing posts with the label Why Diamond is Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure?

How the volume has been turned down on aircraft engines?

At closer inspection, the silver semicircle at the back of the room contains a microphone rig rather than a wormhole leading to other planets, and the instrument pointing at it is an enormously high-pressured air jet, not a teleporter. Computers in the adjoining office can create 3D soundscapes of the noise recorded inside the chamber. The £500,000 facility is one of a suite of testing labs built at the university's Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) in an effort to create quieter aircraft. It was created when Rolls-Royce asked the team to explore a potential noise issue regarding one specific valve on a particular turbo fan engine, explains Prof Jeremy Astley, director of the ISVR. The valve's job was to blast extremely hot air out of the the engine. "In previous engines there were other noise sources so we hadn't noticed this one," he said. "In noise control when you bring ...

Color and Materials of LED

LED means Light Emitting Diode . LED which is used as   a semiconductor and work as alternative source of sunlight. In 1962 LED discover scientist and it’s intensity is very less than update LED. One can see various types of LED such as Red Light Emitting Diode, it’s intensity is very small Blue Light Emitting Diode, it’s intensity is very high   Green Light Emitting Diode, it’s intensity is very high In physical science two types of LED seen one is p-type LED and one is n-type LED. In a p-n junction when holes and electron meets energy released from electron, because electron contain high energy and hole contain low energy, when energy level change and Photon emit   energy , light is created. Some LED materials examples given bellow: White :   White color LED contain Yellow phosphor, voltage drop amount is 3.5 Volt and wave length is board spectrum. Pink : Pink color LED contain phosphor which ...

History of Marine Steam Engine

Marine steam engine which is more used in ship for creating power for supply to mechanical energy in a ship. Reciprocating steam engine is more used in ship.  After world war II people made steam engine which create a large amount of power. But day by day change of technology now more used in ship diesel engines and steam turbines. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen first commercially developed Marine Steam Engine who was a Scottish engineer. After one hundred year in 18 th century steam engine more developed and walk on way of water which is 1 st steamboat ride in world successfully. Following this 1807 Robert Fulton successfully developed a watt engine. In 19 th century Marine steam engine is more developed by scientist. And Marine Steam Engine divided by two method of manufacture number one is Cylinder technology and number two is connection mechanism. Some example of connection mechanism is crosshead, side lever, vibrating lever, vertical, oscillating, back acting, trunk...

Why Diamond is Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure?

FCC means Face-Centeres Cubic structured which is known to all as a crystal structure.  Carbon variation and arrangement of a metal and which is fully stable allotrope. In whole world diamond is highest precious metal and it contains high corrosion resistance, hardness and also contain high thermal conductivity. Diamond stability is not grater than graphite but it is more use   diamond in our practical purpose. Diamond Application sector in industry, as a cutting tool, hard rigid, knives, cell and so on. Why diamond is various color? In a atom all carbon atoms make a strong covalent bong which greater than any other bond. All diamond contain some another metals which is very small amount but not negligible. It is used in various purposes. Diamond color is blue when it contain boron, Diamond color is green when it is comes to sun light. Diamond color is yellow when it   contain nitrogen metals. Diamond color is brown when it contains some residue whi...