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Showing posts with the label Hydraulic models

Various Methods of Drawing Flow Nets

  1.       Hydraulic models: a.        Streamlines can be traced by injecting a dye in a seepage model or Heleshaw apparatus. b.       They by drawing equipotential lines the flow net is completed. 2.       Analytical Method: a.        It is only applied to problems with simple and ideal boundaries conditions. b.       The equation corresponding curve ǿ and Ѱ are first obtained and the same are plotted to give the flow net pattern for the flow of fluid between the given boundary shape. 3.       Electrical Analogy Method: This method based on the fact that the flow of fluids and flow of electricity through a conductor are analogus. These two systems are similar in the respect that electric potential is analogus to the velocity potential. The electric current is analogus to...