Casting process: Casting is also the oldest known
manufacturing process. It requires preparation of the cavity usually in a
refractory material to resemble closely the final object to be made molten
metal is poured into this refractory mould cavity and is allowed to solidify.
The object after solidification is removed from the mould. Casting process are
universally used to manufacture a wide variety of products. Some of the casting
process are-
mould casting 
investment casting
mould casting
mould casting
Figure: Foundry Service from Pattern making Facilities
Figure: Foundry Service from Pattern making Facilities
The machine which is used in foundry shop in BITAC. There are
1. Induction furnace
2. Tilting furnace
3. Coke fired furnace
4. Cupola furnace
5. Pit / Crucible furnace
6. Core drier
7. Sand blasting unit
8. Weighing scale
9. Overhead crane
10. Tumbling barrel
11. Jolt squeezing
12. Grinding machine
13. Sand muller
1) Induction furnace : In Induction
furnace we use electricity to produce heat. It has maximum 1000 Hz frequency,
250 KW current. Its furnace capacity 300 Kg. In this machine we produce heat
from electric power and melting cast iron, cast steel, alloy steel etc. It
produce about 2200 0C temperature in furnace which is more that
iron. So here all type of metal can melting. Its furnace can move.
2)Tilting furnace : In this
furnace capacity is 200 Kg. This machine is small type corresponding to the
induction furnace. This furnace also moveable.
3)Cupola furnace: This furnace also used
to melting metal and its capacity is 1.5 ton.
4)Pit / Crucible
furnace: It is small type furnace and it has only 80 Kg
5)Tumbling barrel: It is used to remove sand from casting
6)Weighing scale: It is used to measuring weight.
Its maximum capacity 500 lb. This ma chine is made by ENGLAND.
7)Grinding machine: It is used to surface finishing
for casting material. Here one hand grinding machine is situated.
8)Overhead crane : Its swiveling capacity 2 tons. It is swiveling
by a hand control panel.
9)Jolt squeezing : Expensive for one or two product.production type molding.
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