flying car which is also known to all as
a aircraft in street and people can take tour for a short duration or long
duration. In whole world or Automobile sector one can see two types of motor
one is auto and another is manual, which is more prefer by yourself. Most of
the driver in aircraft prefer automated motor. In everyday many company and
many scientist try to make a car which is continue or drive in air and street
but they are failed to manage it for a
long duration. Glenn Curtiss who is chief of Wright brother designed aircraft in
world first time. But it is try to jumped and it is successfully jumped and can
not fly. After than all scientist do not stop working in automobile sector for
trying to make a aircraft. Waldo Waterman first make the aircraft in 1910. In
1937 firstly go to air with his car Waterman Arrowbile which take attention
from all people and amazing to all. In 1940 Jess Dixon fly his car in sky air
by using automobile. But some unexpected scenery we seen in Newspaper and TV
shows when someone try to fly in sky in 1971 Mizar , developer name is Henry
Smolinski who is died by crashed. In 1990 AviAuto , Developer name is Harvey
Miller who is make this concept. But in
2009 STOL aircraft , Developer name is Michael Robert Dacre who is killed by
Types of Power Plant (Technology) Natural Gas Based power plant technology Diesel power plant technology Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output 1 Liter Diesel = 0.85 Kg Example: Heat Rate of Diesel Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- 2506A-E15TAG2 Engine Capacity=400 eKW Fuel Consumption=84 L = 71.4 Kg Electrical Energy Output = 400 KW Heating Value of Diesel = 42.5 MJ/Kg Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output Heat Rate of Engine = 71.4 Kg * 42.5 MJ/Kg /400KW Heat Rate of Engine =7.58 MJ/KWH Heat Rate of Gas Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- VHP5904LTD Engine Capacity= 900 eKW Fuel Consumption= 271 Nm 3 Electrical Energy Output= 900 KW Fuel Consumption= 0.28 Nm3/KWH Heating Value of Natural Gas= 35.22 MJ/ Nm 3 Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fue...
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