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Showing posts from January, 2018

Equipment List of Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant as follows Equipment: 1.      Fiber Trap 2.      Screening Tanks 3.      Equalization Tank  4.      Coagulation Tank 5.      Flocculation Tank 6.      Chemical Dosing Tank 7.      Sedimentation Tank 8.      Intermediate Tank 9.      Sand filter 10.    Active Carbon Filter 11.    Post-aeration Tank 12.    Outlet Tank 13.   Sludge Thickening Tank 14.    Sludge Drying Bed

Why use Sand Filter and Active Carbon Filter for ETP?

   Sand Filter : 1.         It is made by steel. Facilitated with back wash system. 2.         From the intermediate tank it is passed through this unit by centrifugal             pumps. 3.         It removes the suspended particles remaining from sedimentation tank. 4.         Back wash must be once per day to get the efficiency. Key Process Parameters : TSS, COD and BOD5 at 20C   Active Carbon Filter : 1.         It is made by steel. Facilitated with back wash system. 2.         From the intermediate tank it is passed through this unit by centrifugal             pumps. 3.      ...

Sedimentation Tank & Intermediate Tank

   Sedimentation Tanks : 1.         Sediment of the clarifier must be collected to the sludge thickening         bed. 2.         Over flow is being taken to the intermediate tank by means of gravity. 3.         Time Interval for sludge removal should not be exceeded 3 hours. Key Process Parameters : TSS at Suparnant (Over Flow), COD and       BOD    Intermediate Tanks : Over flow from sedimentation tank is collected in this tank for further treatment. Key Process Parameter : Level of Water to avoid the dry run of Pumps.

Chemical Dosing Tank & Sedimentation Tanks

   Chemical Dosing Tank: Two dosing pumps are installed to dose the coagulant and flocculants accordingly. Key Process Parameters : Dosing Chemical.          Sedimentation Tanks : 1.         Sediment of the clarifier must be collected to the sludge thickening         bed. 2.         Over flow is being taken to the intermediate tank by means of gravity. 3.         Time Interval for sludge removal should not be exceeded 3 hours. Key Process Parameters : TSS at Suparnant (Over Flow), COD and       BOD

Screening Tank/Pit and Equalization tank

    Screening Tank/Pit : Where the Influent of ETP is being collected by gravity flow from where the free float and coarse particles are removed. Key Process Parameter :  Free float and Coarse Particles removal.   Equalization Tank : It is RCC tank of capacity 90 m3. Keep continuous mixing by means of agitation by air or any others means. This will help to equalize the load of the effluent. Two Centrifugal pumps are completely dedicated to pump the effluent from this tank to Primary Clarifier. The overflow and dry run of pumps are controlled by auto level switch controller. Key Process Parameters :  Complete Homogenization of Influent,                                              ...