Types of Power Plant (Technology) Natural Gas Based power plant technology Diesel power plant technology Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output 1 Liter Diesel = 0.85 Kg Example: Heat Rate of Diesel Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- 2506A-E15TAG2 Engine Capacity=400 eKW Fuel Consumption=84 L = 71.4 Kg Electrical Energy Output = 400 KW Heating Value of Diesel = 42.5 MJ/Kg Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fuel Heating Value / Power Output Heat Rate of Engine = 71.4 Kg * 42.5 MJ/Kg /400KW Heat Rate of Engine =7.58 MJ/KWH Heat Rate of Gas Generator at 100% Load Engine Model- VHP5904LTD Engine Capacity= 900 eKW Fuel Consumption= 271 Nm 3 Electrical Energy Output= 900 KW Fuel Consumption= 0.28 Nm3/KWH Heating Value of Natural Gas= 35.22 MJ/ Nm 3 Heat Rate of Engine= Fuel Flow or Fuel burned * Fue...
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